Stanežiče, 31. 8. 2024 // Stage // Photo: Marko Delbello Ocepek
Stanežiče, 31. 8. 2024 // Backstage Pass // Photo: Urša Premik
Recording my first solo album From Heart to Heart / autumn 1993 / in Tivoli studio with Aco Razbornik
Ethno-freak period from the first album / event unknown / most likely somewhere in Ljubljana
First solo concert / Križanke, May 19, 1994 / The only photo I found where we are with the first band, from left to right: Jani Hace (bass) / Schatz! (clarinet, percussion) / Magnifico / Franci Zabukovec (guitar) / Pavle Ristič (drums)
Most likely a performance at club K4, upon the release of the album “Gdo je čefur”
The same concert, just without the recital
In 1994, I created the image for my first album with Alan Hranitelj (costumes) and Miha Škerlep (photography). About a month later, I also became a model for his hat exhibition.
Filming of “Zeleni Jure” music video and “24.000 kisses” premiere.
Spring '94, filming of the music video "Zeleni jure" somewhere in Ig / Photo: Siniša Lopojda
With the director of the music video "Zeleni Jure", dear Vinči Vogue Anžlovar / Photo: Siniša Lopojda
Late autumn 1993 / First public performance of the song "24,000 kisses" at Komuna during the premiere of the film Dracula, where I was dressed as Garry Oldman / photographer unknown
Spring 1996 / "Kdo je čefur" tour / location: somewhere in Slovenia / photographer unknown
Sarajevo, Ljubljana, Opatija. 1994-96
With Barbara at the film festival / Sarajevo '96
With my son Peter at the football match / Autumn '95
Trieste Road / Ljubljana / late spring '94
Photo Session Fashion / Opatija '96
Photo Session Fashion / Opatija '96
Period of the Sexy Boy Album / 1996-98

Period of the Sexy Boy Album / 1996-98.

Concert at Križanke in 1998, with special guests "The Štrumpatl Sistrs"

With Croatian colleague and friend Alka Vuica in the Dom svobode studio, where we recorded the duet "Svadja & Kreg" / 1996

Meet-and-greet with porn star, singer, and member of the Italian parliament Cicciolina in 1997 on the show "Res je" on RTV Slovenia.

The second lineup of the band (from left to right) / Jani Hace Bass, Schatz! Percussion and Saxophone, Franci Zabukovec Guitar, Sergej Randjelović Drums

Ljubljana / Križanke / 1996

Ljubljana / Križanke / 1998

Cover of the magazine Stop on the release of the single "In, ko enkrat bom umrl" / 1997
My Film Trips
"Photos taken on the film set of “Stereotype” by Damjan Kozole and “Poker” by Vinci Vogue Anžlovar.

São Paulo, 1998, hotel room at the film festival with the movie "Stereotype" by Damjan Kozole

On the set of the film "Stereotype" with Tina Gorenjak and Sašo Olenjuk.

The final scene of the film "Stereotype" with the song "30 Years".


On the set of the film "Poker". From left: Borut Veselko, Urša Božič, Aljoša Rebolj, Boris Kos, Pavle Ravnohrib
Koseze 2002 / with Barbara and Schatz! on the home terrace / the victorious author trio celebrates the victory of the song "Samo ljubezen" (Sestre) at the Slovenian Eurovision selection.